Wednesday, April 9, 2014

1F473 (man with turban)

wiki on history of turbans

customary headwear worn by Sikhs or Muslims
'may be shown with or without a beard'

"An man with a turban on his head. Commonly assumed to be a man from India despite the fact that turbans are worn in many other locations. A turban is a type of headwear (headdress) that involves wrapping the head with cloth. A white turban is often associated with wisdom and peace. This emoji may be considered politically incorrect in some locations, such as America. Sometimes used to communicate a mummy, given that part of the mummification process includes wrapping the body in bandages. A popular emoji during Halloween (All Saint's Eve)." [cite]

cancer patient? shaved head??

related headgear: gu pi mao, top hat, crown, woman's hat, bunny ears, policeman's hat, construction worker's helmet, guardsman's hat

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